Choosing the Right ppe isn’t just about checking off a compliance box. The right equipment, used correctly and replaced in a timely fashion, can protect employees from injuries and illnesses, and create a workplace that puts safety first.
A thorough hazard/risk assessment is the first step in understanding what kind of equipment is required. If workers are exposed to hazardous chemicals or electricity, for example, they need gear that is specifically designed to protect them from these specific hazards. This isn’t always the case, however, as even simple work environments can present some risks. For instance, having a cord hanging over a worker’s head can lead to an injury, or wearing shoes that are too tight for long periods of time can damage the intermetatarsal nerve in the foot, causing numbness and pain.
Choosing the Right PPE: A Comprehensive Guide for Workplace Safety
Once the risks have been assessed, a plan can be put in place to manage them. The hierarchy of controls, as outlined by the CDC, is a useful way to identify what can be eliminated or reduced and what needs to be addressed with PPE. Generally speaking, the lower the level of risk in your hazard assessment, the more lenient you can be with selecting appropriate PPE.
Having the workers who will be using the PPE involved in the selection process is also very important. This helps them choose models that are comfortable and practical to wear, as well as ensuring they are confident in the safety of their chosen gear. This is crucial to a successful program, as a worker that doesn’t feel comfortable in their PPE may be more likely to disregard the equipment and cause an accident.…